Azumaya Gazebo

Azumaya Gazebo 2


Now, a continuation of azumaya gazebo structure.


There was much snow and it was serious in that year.

今年の2012 5月号『庭』という雑誌に僕が載りました。

I was in a Japanese landscape magazine called [NIWA] 2012 May issue this year. In this my article…


Vancouver was writing in the article that it did not snow. No way! I did not write such a thing.
look at this!

また雪が降った。sonw again!


It is difficult to look for the beam of a bend in Canada.
I put in the bamboo between the rafter.

釘は一切使用していません。No nail is used.


I went to find the bend tree used for the backrest of a seat.


What is going to happen to this bend tree!

腰かけの背もたれ。The backrest of seat


Here you go.

背もたれ。The bend tree becomes the backrest of seat


I also work on a seat bench at the same time. Butterfly of walnuts is put into the prevention from a crack.

なぐり仕上げ。This is called Naguri finishing


A lattice is put in or stone-finishing is also synchronization at the time of rain or snow.
Slates are sold big pieces and it is divided into favorite size.

ペンシルベニア産ブルーストーンを使用。The blue stone from Pennsylvania is used.


I wanted to finish by a mud wall or rammetd earth wall but It may sometimes be exceeded -15° and it does not last long only with rain in winter, it gives up.


The wall was finished by stucco of Canada.